Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Natalie Archer
Birmingham Community NHS Foundation NHS Trust, United Kingdom
Keynote: Oral health education for community nurses: identified need for further training
Time : 09:00-09:30 AM

Natalie is a dentist who is based at Birmingham Dental Hospital, Birmingham Community NHS Foundation Healthcare Trust in the UK. During the first wave of Covid-19 in April 2020, they were redeployed to community nursing trusts which has stimulated their interest in oral health promotion for nursing colleagues. Combined they have published multiple peer reviewed articles and presented their work nationally.
Oral health knowledge is fundamental to ensure nurses are able to achieve holistic patient care. During the COVID-19 pandemic, dentists were redeployed to community nursing teams to support wider healthcare service demands, where oral health knowledge deficits were observed. Community nursing teams often care for vulnerable medically compromised patient groups who have increased oral health needs, including oncology, palliative and diabetic patients.
To understand the extent of the interdiciplinary knowledge barrier, a training needs anaylsis was distributed which confirmed the findings that had been observed on the frontline. From the respondents(n=132), 68%(n=90) of nurses had never had any oral health training, and of those that had, less than one-third had this at an undergraduate level. 90%(n=119) of nurses had seen a patient who demonstrated oral health concerns, and were mainly managed through general medical practitioners rather than liaising with local dental services. 86%(n=114) agreed that mouthcare is essential for patient care. 56%(n=74) of nurses felt that lack of training was a barrier to providing oral care, alongside other barriers of lack of equipment and time. 92%(n=121) of nurses felt they would benefit from further training in mouth care, assessing the mouth and awareness of common oral conditions.
These results have identified a need for improved education for nurses and undergraduate and post-graduate level, to ensure nurses are supported to identify oral health concerns and complete onward referrals where appropriate. Utilising redeployment opportunities can encourage shared learning experiences to promote improved quality of healthcare delivery through collaboration.
Keynote Forum
Shahela Tanveer
Department of Oral Pathology, Sri Sai College of Dental Surgery, Hyderabad
Keynote: Discarded and inflammed oral stem cells shows considerable stemness inspite of lesser yeild - a systematic review
Time : 09:30-10:00 AM

A confident professional with a good track record of academics with 9 to 10 years of teaching experience. As a faculty receiving 85% of student survey results. Expertise as a developing faculty guidance coupled with equally strong skills in guiding , discussing and recommending effective resources for clinical thinking skills to expertise students (under graduates and post graduates). Able to work as part of the dental team with a flexible approach to work. Looking for an opportunity to associate with a forward thinking and highly regarded dental organization as a Associate professor.
Statement of the Problem: Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSC’s) have a promising treatment in regenerative medicine from bone marrow transplant to current treatment of superceneterian cells in aging and progeria. There remains lot of regenerative aspect which are still in clinical trials in dentistry. Inspite of easy availability, remarkable capacity and efficient colony forming units of known oral stem cells there is limitation in using them in vivo, this remains an important aspect to use it clinically. The current review emphasizes on the quantification and characterization of inflamed stem cells from dental pulp and gingiva (I-DPSC’s and I-GMSC’s) which are commonly discarded tissue in dental treatment and the ability of these inflamed cells which are thought to maintain stemness over limited expansion in vitro and its capacity to display considerable phenotype and functional heterogeneity in par with healthy oral tissue as like with umblical tissue cells (UCB-MSCs) and adipose tissue (AT-MSCs) over bone marrow stem cells (BM-MSC’s). Theoretical Orientation: This article reviews to understand the correlation of the potency of cord stem cells and adipose tissue stem cells to the multipotentiality of the better known BM-MSC’s. To compare the similarities and differences between the bone marrow stem cells and dental pulp stem cells .To review studies on MSC’s from healthy and inflammed oral stem cells in vitro and in vivo. Findings: Though lots of studies have been done on inflamed oral stem cells which is generally discarded pulp during root canal treatment and from gingiva in flap surgeries, operculotomies and enlarged gingival conditions. These MSC’s shows considerable heterogeneity and maintain stemness over normal healthy oral stem cells like umblical cord tissue and adipose tissue though they yield less. Conclusion & Significance: Regeneration of oral tissues and its ability to expand in vitro and to be applicable in vivo is target of stem cell research. Inflammed stem cells could be employed as further studies as they show high levels of stemness. Irrespective of their proliferation rates the marked stemness in inflammatory environment cells may in future can be used like UCB-MSC’s which has though decreased at each passage, its cryopreservation has no effect on the morphology and the proliferation and differentiation capacity (approximately 90% viability of cells were obtained on in vitro cultures after thawing. This proves that even long storage has its future applications owing to their stemness.
Keynote Forum
Ifan George
Bristol Dental Hospital, Brsitol, UK
Keynote: A study to assess the prevalance of unintentional paracetamol overdose by patients in pain attending primary dental care
Time : 10:00-10:30 AM

Ifan George has completed his Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the age of 23 years from the University of Liverpool and progressed on to dental core training 1 in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery at the Eastbourne District General Hospital and the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead. He is currently undertaking a second dental core training post in child and adult dental health at the Bristol Dental Hospital. He has a published paper regarding paracetamol overdosing in the British Dental Journal which guides clinicians through drug prescribing and what to do if a patient who attends has overdosed.
Paracetamol is a very commonly used medication for the treatment of dental pain in the UK. Our study aimed to assess patient awareness of maximum doses and investigate the prevalence of overdosing on paracetamol from recommended doses. We asked patients attending dental practices in South London for pain appointments. 100 survey responses were collected over 2 months from January to March of 2019. Results showed approximately 85% of patients used paracetamol when self-medicating for pain relief and approximately 1 in 4 patients were unaware of the correct doses. 37% of patients answered with an incorrect response and 2% of participants indicated they had overdosed on paracetamol in the past 24 hours. From the information we developed a patient information leaflet, a checklist for clinicians and posters to educate patients when trying to self-medicate for pain relief from dental pain in future. It is important for the general dental practitioner to help patents become aware of maximum dose to reduce risks of liver hepatoxicity and chronic liver damage - a complication of paracetamol overdosing and poisoning – and educate them on how to manage a suspected overdosed patient presenting to primary care.
Keynote Forum
Senouci Bereksi Fatima Zohra
University Hospital Center Dr. Tidjani Damerdji-Tlemcen, Algeria
Keynote: Clinical Applications of Mineral Trioxide Aggre¬gate in endodontics
Time : 10:30-11:00 AM

SENOUCI BEREKSI Fatima Zohra, 26 years old, from Tlemcen (ALGERIA), resident in 4th year of conservative dentistry and endodontics at the University Hospital of Tlemcen.
I do a lot of scientific research concerning endodontics, I also participated in a lot of congresses including the 8th international symposium of dentistry in Monastir, Tunisia in 2018; and the French society of pediatric dentistry in Marseille, France in 2017.
MTA® is currently considered to be the gold standard of endodontic repair cements, which has been clinically and radiologically satisfactory and has greatly attributed to postoperative bone and mucosal healing.
The objective of this work is to review the clinical and radiological effectiveness of MTA® in relation to its application in different clinical protocols
In the conservative dentistry and endodontic department of Tlemcen (Algeria), five patients with different pathologies were treated. MTA® has been used in five operative protocols: apexification, treatment of external root resorptions, repairing of root perforations, apical root fractures and retrograde root canal fillings.
Our therapeutic strategy was first to achieve a watertight seal by placing an MTA® apical barrier, which will secondly induce the mineralization processes.
Our clinical trials show high success rates achieved with MTA®, especially in apical surgery, apart from some difficulty in handling and stability of the MTA® felt by the operator. The MTA® is therefore considered a potentially alternative material to other materials used in our endodontic service.
Keynote Forum
Fadia M. Al-Hummayani
Orthodontist Consultant and Associate Professor at King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Keynote: Evaluation of the multiple-choice question item analysis of the sixth year undergraduate orthodontic tests at the faculty of dentistry
Time : 11:00-11:30 AM

I am Dr. Fadia Al- Hummayani an Orthodontist Consultant and Associate Professor at King Abdulaziz University/ College of Dentistry. I teach bot undergraduate and postgraduate students (Saudi Board and Master students) in areas of orthodontics, ortho/pedodontic integration and practice management. I completed my Master’s and Clinical Certificate in Orthodontics from King Saud University/Dental School, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in the Assistance Professor position in year 2006 through research and publications in reputed journals. I won the Aesthetic Dentistry MENA Award best treated case in the Middle East
Currently, I am the course director of the Orthodontic Comprehensive Care Course (PDS 626) of 6th Year undergraduate students for the acade 2018-2022 beside my work with the post grade clinic and specialty clinic in the university I am also orthodontic consultant in my private clinic at I clinks Tahlia/Jeddah every Saturday of each week.
Introduction: Poorly constructed multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are still being reused in medical and dental colleges. Item analysis reports are used to evaluate MCQ tests and eliminate the substandard MCQs for quality improvement purposes.
Aim: This study aims to assess the quality of the MCQ item analysis of dental students’ final year orthodontics examination using the difficulty index (DIF I), discrimination index (DI), and distractor efficiency (DE) parameters. Additionally, the relationship between these parameters is determined to categorize the tested MCQs into either acceptable, which would be stored in the MCQ bank, or substandard (poor), which would be eliminated or rephrased.
Methods: Four MCQ examinations from the sixth- year undergraduate orthodontic course of the academic year 2018– 2019 were evaluated by item analysis using the DIF I, DI, and DE. A total of 165 MCQ items (495 distractors) were collated and analyzed after 189 students answered the tests.
Results: The mean and standard deviation of the DIF I and DI were 0.76 (+0.19) and 0.25 (+0.14), respectively. Distraction assessments revealed that 27.5% were non-functional distractors (NFDs) with a DE of 78.2%. There was a significant negative correlation between the DIF I and the DI (r: -0.711; p < 0.01). A significant positive correlation was found between the DIF I and NFDs (r: 0.644; p < 0.01). Of the 165 MCQ items, 153 were considered sufficiently good to be stored in the MCQ bank, and only 12 were poorly constructed and recommended for elimination or rephrasing.
Conclusion: Item analysis was effective in identifying the good and poorly constructed MCQ items. Therefore, it should be used with each university MCQ examination for the development of a reliable and valid MCQ bank.
Keynote Forum
Mobina Bagherianlemraski
Dentistry student, Student Research Committee, Faculty of Dentistry, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
Keynote: Oral health–related quality of life (OHRQoL) before and after endodontic treatment: an update
Time : 11:30-12:00 PM

Mobina Bagherianlemraski studies dentistry at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. She then has joined the Student Research Committee since 2019. Now she works as a research assistance in department of pediatric dentistry. (Supervisor: Dr. Parastoo Namdar)
According to the World Health Organization, Oral health-related quality of life is defined as “a person’s perceptions of their position in life according to their culture, goals, expectations, standards, and priorities”. This review was undertaken to determine the oral health–related quality of life (OHRQoL) before and after endodontic treatment. Based on the PRISMA guidelines, electronic databases (n = 7) were searched and from 1045 citations, 20 papers were included in this review. Information on study design, sample size, intervention/treatment modality, methods of assessing OHRQoL, and the key findings were extracted and analyzed. Among the 20 studies, 4 were cross-sectional surveys, 10 were longitudinal studies, and 6 were randomized clinical trials. The cross-sectional studies reported improvements in OHRQoL following root canal treatment. Comparative longitudinal studies did not identify a significant association between improvements in OHRQoL and the method of root canal instrumentation or number of instruments used. Clinical trials found that improvements in OHRQoL were significantly associated with instrumentation technique, surgical-incision approach, and the application of platelet-concentrate during surgery. Several methods of assessing OHRQoL were employed with the most common being the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP), albeit using different versions. The results of this systematic review indicate that the QoL of patients improved after endodontic treatment. Nevertheless, these results are limited to patients who seek endodontic treatment and cannot be generalized. The lack of well-designed observational studies with standardized assessment approaches, coupled with heterogeneity of study design and interventions, precluded quantitative synthesis. Pragmatic clinical trials are more meaningful to understand patient-centered outcomes of treatment. This review shows that endodontic treatment does improve the QoL.